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Planks Manufactory


The Planks Manufactory produces Planks, which belongs to the "Basic Goods", one of the three categories Goods are grouped into. Producing Goods requires input resources (Coins, Supplies). There are 4 options to start a Goods production, which differ in production time and amount of input and output.


While the production is running, you will see its progress through the remaining production time and the amount of the currently produced Good. You will know that there is a bonus given from a boost if you see a green arrow on the Goods icon. If you want, you can cancel the production and you will get the input Resources back.


Note: Culture Bonus has no impact on Goods production.


To get a Planks Manufactory you need to unlock its technology in the Research Tree and to build it in the Buildings Menu. It needs a Street connection to the Main Hall. It can be moved, sold and rebuilt.


Upgrading a Planks Manufactory to the next level will increase:

  1. The amount of produced Planks Goods per time. So, the production will be more efficient!

Planks Manufactory Overview

Planks Manufactory Elves

Planks Manufactory Information Elves
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Population Culture Construction Time Coins Supplies Marble Steel Planks Production/d
1 2X1 22 - 40s 400 21 - - - 9
2 2X1 24 2 6m 510 26 - - - 13
3 2X1 27 4 20m 1.000 56 - - - 16
4 2X1 30 6 25m 700 - - - 82 19
5 2X1 34 9 31m 900 - - 44 70 22
6 2X1 37 10 38m 1.200 - 64 - 90 25
7 2X2 85 22 1h 20m 3.200 - - 160 252 56
8 2X2 98 24 1h 23m 4.000 - 340 192 - 66
9 2X2 111 27 1h 26m 5.000 - 260 420 - 72
10 2X2 127 30 1h 29m 6.000 - 480 368 - 78
11 3X2 220 50 2h 17m 10.000 - 828 750 - 129
12 3X2 260 56 2h 21m 13.000 - 1.044 876 - 138
13 3X2 300 62 2h 25m 15.000 - 1.080 1.242 - 151
14 3X2 340 69 2h 29m 18.000 - 1.500 1.272 - 160
15 3X2 391 77 2h 32m 21.000 - 1.530 1.758 - 173

Planks Manufactory Humans

Planks Manufactory Information Humans
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Population Culture Construction Time Coins Supplies Marble Steel Planks Production/d
1 2X2 34 - 1m 20s 800 41 - - - 19
2 2X2 38 5 12m 1.000 52 - - - 25
3 2X2 42 9 40m 2.000 110 - - - 31
4 2X2 47 16 51m 1.400 - - - 164 38
5 2X2 52 22 1h 3m 1.900 - - 88 140 44
6 3X3 133 54 2h 55m 5.000 - 288 - 405 116
7 3X3 153 60 3h 1m 7.000 - - 360 567 132
8 3X3 171 67 3h 8m 9.000 - 765 432 - 148
9 3X3 200 75 3h 14m 10.000 - 585 945 - 163
10 4X4 418 147 5h 56m 23.000 - 1.920 1.472 - 317
11 4X4 483 164 6h 6m 28.000 - 2.208 2.000 - 345
12 4X4 549 182 6h 17m 34.000 - 2.784 2.336 - 373
13 4X4 631 202 6h 27m 40.000 - 2.880 3.312 - 402
14 4X4 730 225 6h 37m 47.000 - 4.000 3.392 - 430
15 4X4 845 250 6h 47m 50.000 - 4.080 4.688 - 458

Building Levels

Building Levels Elves

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
12 Manufactory elves wood 01 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 02 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 03 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 04 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 05 cropped.png
Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
12 manufactory elves wood 06 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 07 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 08 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 09 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 10 cropped.png
Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15
12 manufactory elves wood 11 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 12 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 13 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 14 cropped.png 12 manufactory elves wood 15 cropped.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.

Building Levels Humans

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
12 manufactory humans wood 01 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 02 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 03 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 04 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 05 cropped.png
Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
12 manufactory humans wood 06 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 07 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 08 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 09 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 10 cropped.png
Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15
12 manufactory humans wood 11 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 12 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 13 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 14 cropped.png 12 manufactory humans wood 15 cropped.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.